Friday 20 May 2011

FunnyCrazyStory (FCS) Technique In Improving Vocabs

Having and knowing vocabs is the most essential thing in learning English besides knowledge of English Grammar. Throughout my years of teaching, I find out those students who fail in English or not credit in English is due to having very lack of English vocabularies. They do not even know the meaning of simple English words like comfortable, intelligent, prepare, describe and lots of other easy words. This has caused them to face difficulties in understanding English and even worse they totally lose interest in studying English. No matter how good the teacher is and how hard the teacher tries to teach , it's not easy to gain interest and to motivate students with very limited vocabs

One of the most popular ways taken by teachers and students to improve and to increase the word power is through asking students to read books or magazines or articles and from the reading, students are told to list down the new vocabs that they get and write the meaning in English and also in their mother tongue.Students need to do this consistently and they may need to memorize the words too in order to remember.
It's undeniable that the above way able to help students to increase vocabs as they do lots of reading and writing up the words can help them to remember better and faster. However, this technique could be improvised to a better ,easier and funnier way in order to make it more effective and more joyful. A technique which i named as "FunnyCrazyStory" (FCS) technique is a much more interesting and faster technique in empowering vocabularies, especially amongst students at elementary and intermediate level. You can read the following tips on how to practice the technique.

FunnyCrazyStory (FCS) Technique

1. Get lists of new words either from books/articles/magazines or you can just get words from dictionary. Be consistent with the number of new words per day. You can set your target to learn 20 or 30 words per day or may be lesser. It's better to have less but consistent rather than many but inconsistent.

2. Same as the above way, you still need to list down the words together with the meaning either in English or in your mother tongue or much better to write the meaning in English and put the meaning in mother tongue in bracket. For example the word ; "marvellous - fantastic,great,incredible (hebat). After listed all the words, the next step is the most interesting,fun and challenging !!!

3. Use your creativity and imagination to form short and simple story from the listed words. It's far better if your story is funny and crazy as it stimulates your mind to remember more effectively. Here's one example on how you can work out this technique ;

fable - short story
fabled - famous
fabless - a company which design microchips
fabliau - a French tale
fablon - plastics for covering table tops
fabric - material for cloth
fabricate - invent, with deceitful intent
fabulate - tell invented stories
fabulist - a person who compose fables
fabulous - wonderful , extraordinary

(These are list of words taken from a dictionary)

"A fabulist (a person who composes fables) fabulates(tell invented story) fabulous(wonderful) fabliau (French tale)fable(short story) which is about a fabless (a company which designs microchips)invents fabricated(invent with deceitful intent)fabric (material for cloth)that can be used as fablon (plastics for covering table tops)."

Look... how easy and catchy the story is and the most important thing is FCS technique is very fun and enjoyable to do for its effective and speedy way to empower new vocabularies. But remember, you have to practice this often and consistently.

Good luck & have a try ! You will see the result in a very short period!!!

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