1. Penggunaan Huruf Besar (Capitalization)
Kadang2 penggunaan huruf besar dlm BI agak mengelirukan. Wbp,
kekeliruan/kesalahan yang biasa dilakukan ialah dalam penggunaan
adjectives, nouns dan nama2 sesuatu bahasa.
Mungkin TIPS ini boleh membantu untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan :
• Capitalize 'I'
• Capitalize nations, national nouns and adjectives - French,
Russian, English, Italy, Canadian, etc.
• Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a new sentence
or question
• Do NOT capitalize common nouns. Nouns are only capitalized
if they are the name of something
• Capitalize proper names of people, institutions, festivals, etc.
Ini adalah contoh utk tips 4 & 5 :
I go to university. (common noun -> university)
I go to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (noun used as proper name)
Johan comes from Selangor , but i come from Sabah.
I don't speak chinese, but I speak a little french.
where do you come from?
He bought a new Bicycle for his birthday.
Let's visit maria this afternoon.
Monday, 17 March 2014
Mengikut pengalaman dan bacaan, pengguna BI sering melakukan kesalahan dalam penulisan kerana menulis seperti mereka bercakap.
Gagal membezakan antara PENULISAN FORMAL & PENULISAN TIDAK FORMAL. Sedangkan penggunaan struktur ayat antara FORMAL & TIDAK FORMAL amat berbeza sekali. Sebagai contoh ini adalah antara frasa ayat untuk penulisan SURAT FORMAL :
Stating Reason
I am writing to inform you about ...
I am writing to ask / inquire about ...
I am writing to ask about information for small businesses.
I am writing to inform you that we have not yet received payment for ...
Asking for Help
I would be grateful if you could send me a brochure.
Would you mind telephoning me during the next week.
Would it be to0 much to ask that our payment be postponed for two weeks
Offering Help
I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
We would be pleased to assist you in finding a new location.
Enclosing Documents
Enclosed you will find a copy of our brochure.
Enclosed please find a copy of our brochure.
We enclose a brochure.
Closing Remarks
I look forward to meeting /
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
If you need any further assistance please contact me.
Sign the letter with:
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Best wishes
Best regards
Mengikut pengalaman dan bacaan, pengguna BI sering melakukan kesalahan dalam penulisan kerana menulis seperti mereka bercakap.
Gagal membezakan antara PENULISAN FORMAL & PENULISAN TIDAK FORMAL. Sedangkan penggunaan struktur ayat antara FORMAL & TIDAK FORMAL amat berbeza sekali. Sebagai contoh ini adalah antara frasa ayat untuk penulisan SURAT FORMAL :
Stating Reason
I am writing to inform you about ...
I am writing to ask / inquire about ...
I am writing to ask about information for small businesses.
I am writing to inform you that we have not yet received payment for ...
Asking for Help
I would be grateful if you could send me a brochure.
Would you mind telephoning me during the next week.
Would it be to0 much to ask that our payment be postponed for two weeks
Offering Help
I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
We would be pleased to assist you in finding a new location.
Enclosing Documents
Enclosed you will find a copy of our brochure.
Enclosed please find a copy of our brochure.
We enclose a brochure.
Closing Remarks
I look forward to meeting /
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
If you need any further assistance please contact me.
Sign the letter with:
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Best wishes
Best regards
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Mengikut pengalaman dan bacaan, pengguna BI sering melakukan kesalahan dalam penulisan kerana menulis seperti mereka bercakap.
Gagal membezakan antara PENULISAN FORMAL & PENULISAN TIDAK FORMAL. Sedangkan penggunaan struktur ayat antara FORMAL & TIDAK FORMAL amat berbeza sekali. Sebagai contoh ini adalah antara frasa ayat untuk penulisan SURAT FORMAL :
Stating Reason
I am writing to inform you about ...
I am writing to ask / inquire about ...
I am writing to ask about information for small businesses.
I am writing to inform you that we have not yet received payment for ...
Asking for Help
I would be grateful if you could send me a brochure.
Would you mind telephoning me during the next week.
Would it be to0 much to ask that our payment be postponed for two weeks
Offering Help
I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
We would be pleased to assist you in finding a new location.
Enclosing Documents
Enclosed you will find a copy of our brochure.
Enclosed please find a copy of our brochure.
We enclose a brochure.
Closing Remarks
I look forward to meeting /
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
If you need any further assistance please contact me.
Sign the letter with:
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Best wishes
Best regards
Pemenang yang terpilih ialah :
1. Puan Zubaidah Lamsah
2. Puan Satinah Sinoh
Kepada Puan berdua diharapkan boleh menghantar maklumat2 berikut dengan segera untuk proses penghantaran :
- Nama Penuh
- Alamat lengkap
- No. Telefon
*** Kepada yang berminat dengan buku ini sila hubungi 019 917 0769 @ PM ke
Kepada yang berminat untuk mencari pendapatan sampingan boleh hubungi untuk berdaftar sebagai AGEN @ RESELLER
Alhamdulillah praise and gratitude to Allah S.W.T .
Alhamdulillah praise and gratitude to Allah S.W.T .
Finally the book of '25
KEKELIRUAN BAHASA INGGERIS' is fully completed and is ready to circulate for buyers.
Here are details of the book :
Penulis - Zaida Rahim
Bil. M/S - 83
Harga - RM 10.50
Huraian dan keterangan dalam Bahasa Melayu
1. Satu - satu nya buku yg ditulis dalam Bahasa Melayu tentang tajuk yang menjadi masalah utama dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris.
2. Buku yang membantu merungkaikan MASALAH KEKELIRUAN anda kerana memfokuskan kepada 25 KEKELIRUAN utama yang sering disalah guna.
3. Buku ini MUDAH difahami kerana menggunakan Bahasa Melayu yang mudah dan santai.
4. Dilengkapi dengan soalan latihan untuk setiap tajuk untuk membantu pembaca lebih jelas dan faham.
5. Jawapan disediakan untuk semua soalan latihan.
6. Berbentuk ringkas dan padat, sesuai dijadikan rujukan pantas pada bila-bila masa.
7. Sesuai untuk semua golongan dari peringkat rendah, menengah, kolej/universiti , pekerja, guru dan profesional.
8. Ditulis oleh pendidik Bahasa Inggeris yang berpengalaman mengajar lebih 20 tahun.
Berminat dengan BUKU ini sila hubungi 019 9170769 / 019 910 7269 ( sms @ whatsapp ) ATAU PM ke inbox www.facebook/TeacherZaidaEnglishOnlineTuition
Terima kasih atas perhatian anda.
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