Wednesday 3 October 2012


It was 3.30 am. Slowly I woke up from my bed to go out of my bedroom. I did not know what went wrong with me… I could not sleep at all even I had been trying very hard to let my eyes closed and had been reciting all the prayers and quranic verses whichever I could remember.


It was very dark and quiet outside. I was not sure on what I supposed to do. I was thinking to switch on my laptop and wrote some entries for my blog. But, I changed my mind as I did not have courage and strength to do that. I switched on TV instead. Instantly I pressed 106 channel which was Astro Oasis Channel, the one and only channel on Astro which provides religious programmes and religious talks. It has been such a long time I do not have chance to watch Oasis as everyday the TV is controlled by my 5 year-old son who spends all day long watching cartoon channe!!!
I felt very lucky and such a relieve for being able to watch Oasis alone at 3.30 in the morning.
It was Dr. Fatma Az-Zahra hosted a programme called Ar-Rayyan. I have been admiring Dr. Fatma since I was in University. I still remember every time I went back home to Kota Bharu during semester break, my auntie always told me about Dr. Fatma’s talk which really amused her and inspired her to be a better person. She also said how adorable this lady was, for being an Egyptian dentist who owned a dental clinic in Kota Bharu and at the same time very active preaching religious talks in Kelantan’s dialects. In fact she was very close to the hearts of most ladies in Kota Bharu who always listen to her preachings.
The topic presented by her was ‘Never Give Up From HIS Blessings’ (Jangan Berputus Asa Daripada Rahmat Allah). Once she mentioned the topic, my heart never stopped pounding. It was pounding very hard! I was so anxious to listen and to know details about the topic…
She started by saying Allah’s blessing is much much richer than HIS anger. HE easily blessed us if HE was pleased by what we do.
She then, pointed out on ways to get Allah’s blessings. Amongst the ways that I could remember were repent (bertaubat) , practicing good deeds (mengamalkan amalan soleh), jihad (making sacrifices because of Allah) and she did mention a few more but unfortunately I could not remember.
 She continued by clarifying on the details meaning of ‘practicing good deeds’ (amalan soleh).  Before she elaborated the meaning further, she introduced and greeted the special guest who came to studio to be with her. The guest was Puan Sri Ziela Jalil, a charming beautiful lady who used to be an actress before, but with Allah’s blessing she’s now no longer an actress and so does her appearance. She looks very sweet in ‘tudung’ (head cover) and modern ‘kurung’ (traditional Malay dress which cover whole body)
After giving brief greetings to Pn. Ziela, Dr. Fatma then, stressed out that ‘practicing good deeds’ includes sincerely performing  5 times prayer to GOD, being very helpful ; easily giving donations to those needed (sedekah), reciting ‘zikir’ all the time, always in ‘wudhuk’ (ablution) and also be good  to parents .
She points out that through sincere prayer, our sins will be forgiven by Allah and so does the ablution (wudhuk) able to eliminate the sins done by each parts of our body. The water that flows on every part will clear away all the sins and we will be clean from any sins.
She later wrapped up the programme by once again reminding us to keep on seeking for Allah’s blessings as HIS blessings will be the source of  happiness in today’s life  and also in the day after.
For me, hardly went to sleep on that night was such a blessing in disguise for getting the most valuable knowledge which I could practice to lead a better life and for a better Muslim. Thanks Dr. Fatma… May GOD blesses you always.


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