dedication to all my beloved students ! This is one of my favourite
poems which has inspired n driven me to always try my very best in
whatever i do...Hope it could be one of your interests too !
Digest this well & If u come across any words/phrases/verses which
are hard to understand DON't just keep quiet n ignore ! Make a move to
enlighten your obscurities.
If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill
Be a scrub in the valley--but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway some happier make;
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass--
But the liveliest bass in the lake!
We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here.
There's big work to do and there's lesser to do,
And the task we must do is the near.
If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail--
Be the best of whatever you are!
Note : Dear readers, may you like this poem too !
Seringkali membuat tugas sampingan as a proofreader/editor kepada Thesis Master/PhD pelajar2 Universiti , saya
dapati kebanyakan pelajar sering keliru dengan penggunaan :
Kenapa ya... blh keliru? Kedua2 adalah frasa pasif ,
Cara penggunaan kedua2 ini adalah sama dgn penggunaannya dlm ayat aktif
iaitu PT = telah selesai dilakukan diwaktu lepas (ttp dlm btk ayat
pasif). Cth :
The survey was conducted in 1993. (Telah selesai dijalankan pd 1993)
Sebaliknya PPP = dilakukan pada waktu lepas tanpa masa spesifik dicatatkan & berlaku terdahulu sebelum perkara lain. Cth :
The survey had been conducted long before the scientists found the solution for the problem.
Hope there's no more confusion !
Note : ... is busy editing 2 Master Thesis ! Huhuhu... quite a lot to be corrected...
Setiap kali menyemak penulisan pelajar memang akan menemui kesalahan yg. amat lumrah dilakukan . Apakah kesalahan itu ?
Silap faham antara PAST TENSE & PAST PERFECT TENSE !!!
1. She left her house at 9 in the morning. (CORRECT )
2. She had left her house at 9 in the morning. (WRONG )
3. Fifi cooked special dishes for her friends who came to her house. ( CORRECT )
4. Fifi had had cooked curry for his brother . ( WRONG )
Reminder : Hanya 'HAD' shj yg bermaksud PAST TENSE TETAPI
PPT digunakan utk menggambarkan satu peristiwa yg berlaku di masa lepas
TETAPI ia berlaku terlebih dahulu daripada peristiwa lain. Cth :
The train had left when I arrived at the station.
Keretapi sudahpun bertolak apabila saya sampai.
When I reached home my son had slept.
I had had my dinner by the time the phone rang.
Note : Dear students/readers : Do write your sentence here for checking.
tengok contoh2 di bawah ! Adakah penggunaan anda betul atau sebaliknya.
Jika betul, alhamdulillah . Jika salah, sila biasakan dgn yg BETUL...
Wrong : He drank two cupsful of water
Correct:He drank two cupfuls of water
Wrong : Two spoonsful of sugar
Correct:Two spoonfuls of sugar
Wrong : Your prompt attention on the above matter is much
Correct: Your immediate attention to the above matter would be
much appreciated.
Explanation : The sentence should not be written in the present tense, since it is a request that has not been fullfilled yet.
Wrong : Kindly let us have your advise to the above matter in
order for us to proceed accordingly.
Correct : Please let us have your advice on the above matter in
order for us to proceed accordingly
Explanation : 'Kindly' is old-fashioned and was often used when someone
was annoyed with someone else. 'advise' is a verb,'advice' is a noun
Ini lah buku MOTIVASI pertama yg dibaca pada
umur 12 tahun "How To Stop Worrying & Start Living" by Dale Carnegie
. Seakan tak percaya membacanya pd. umur 12 tahun.
Apa pun buku ini mmg terbaik !
Lots of essential knowledge , inspirational stories & great tips to guide us into a better individual who are always positive in any circumstances !
My favourite quotes from this book :
Instead of worrying about ingratitude, let's expect it.
Let's remember that *Jesus healed ten lepers in one day--and only one
thanked Him. Why should we expect more gratitude than *Jesus got?
Let's remember that the only way to find happiness is not to expect gratitude--but to give for the joy of giving.
Let's remember that gratitude is a "cultivated" trait; so if we
want our children to be grateful, we must train them to be grateful.
"When you are good to others, you are best to yourself."
Count your blessings--not your troubles!
Kepada yg blm baca, boleh cuba baca...Fantastic ! Free downloadpun available.